Monday 17 January 2011

Essay - Initial Ideas Feedback

Media encourages consumption

J. Berger - 'Ways of Seeing' Youtube final chapter
J. Williamson - 'Decoding Advertisment' Intro

Find specific examples to centre the discussion around.

Start summarising Berger on advertising

Sunday 16 January 2011

Essay Ideas

Working Title: How Advertisement Perpetuates Materialism


Main thrust of my argument

  • Media influences society through many different mediums. I will look at what the media does to influence people and how the audience is actually influenced... good/bad.
  • Short term and long term effects of this - beauty, admiration/ debt, envy.
  • Look deeper into the emotional side of why people are materialistic.
  • The media and its 'Gaze'.
Texts to reference
  • Identity - Zygmunt Bauman This book explores the notion of identity in the modern world.
  • The Language of Fashion - Roland Barthes I have a big interest in fashion and would like to keep this as a key part of my essay.
  • The Fashion System - Roland Barthes "The aim of fashion is to create desire".
  • Media, Gender and Identity, An Introduction - David Gauntlett This book looks at all different aspects of identity.
  • Media, Gender and Identity, An Introduction (2nd edition) - David Gauntlett This book talks about traditional and modern icons.
  • Media & Society, Critical Perspectives - Graeme Burton This book gives a quick introduction to media studies and uses real life case studies.

'Real' women are not acceptable to look at on the front of a magazine. An image of 'fake' beauty and perfection is shown by the media giving the public unachievable aspirations.

Wednesday 5 January 2011